Education and Administration Courses
ADM G 603 Organizational Change +
Principles and practices drawn from behavioral science theory are employed as means of studying the processes of change and renewal in educational organizations. Field experience is a required component of the course. More Info
Offered in:ADM G 606 Social Justice and Anti-Racist Perspectives on Education +
This course examines the interrelationships between students, schools, and society. Participants learn about the ways in which race, class, language, and ethnicity influence how we define ourselves and each other in our various encounters within the broader culture of US society. The course examines the historical antecedents influencing how the lives of the immigrant and colonized peoples in the US are defined. It is designed as a foundation for understanding the policies, goals, assumptions, strategies, and practices of multicultural approaches to education. It draws on a variety of models to construct educational curricula that are multicultural and socially reconstructionist. Readings are placed within the context of public schooling today in order to develop students' "cultural consciousness" and awareness of the individual and shared societal assumptions we bring to our teaching experiences. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ADM G 610 Research Design +
This course introduces quantitative and qualitative methods of research and evaluation to help educational administrators use data for school improvement. Emphasis is laid on question formulation, data analysis, observation and inquiry, and interview and questionnaire design. Field experience is a required component of the course. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ADM G 613 Personnel: Administration, Supervision and Evaluation +
This course examines staff development and supervisory approaches that can assist in the creation of improved teaching-learning climates in classrooms. Field experience is a required component of the course. More Info
Offered in:ADM G 622 Curriculum: Status, Issues, and Trends +
While meaningful change happens at the local school level, national standards and state curriculum frameworks influence local reform efforts by establishing "world class" standards for student achievement. This course draws both on research on how children learn and on the standards movement that defines what children need to know and be able to do. Field experience is a required component of the course. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ADM G 627 Legal Issues In Educ +
Current legal concepts and practices concerning the rights, liabilities, duties, and responsibilities of all personnel employed by public schools and school systems are explored. Particular attention is given to these matters as they pertain to those who are, or aspire to be, administrators or supervisors. More Info
Offered in:ADM G 632 Facility Design and Fiscal Management +
This course explores three related areas. The first is the process of design, construction, and equipping of school facilities to meet the needs of a given community. Second, the course focuses on topics related to fiscal management: strategic planning, analysis of resources, and developing a budget through an integrated approach to school management. Finally, the course examines legal issues pertaining to facility and fiscal concerns. Field experience is a required component of the course. More Info
Offered in:ADM G 646 Leadership Development +
Concepts drawn from the behavioral sciences are used as a basis for leadership skill development. Participants engage in a series of leadership strategies in simulated situations which will enable them to better understand, predict, and modify their own behavior and that of others in organizational settings. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ADM G 655 Advanced Seminar in Supervision +
Both traditional and contemporary practices of supervising teachers and related support staff in educational settings are examined in the light of municipal budgets, collective bargaining positions, legal rights, and other such factors generally perceived as playing significant roles in the supervisory process. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ADM G 670 Special Education Law for PreK-12 School Leaders +
This course addresses the accountability requirements of the most recent federal and state legislation in regards to educating students with disabilities aged 3-22 along with the associated federal and state regulations and court decisions. Students will explore the variety of supports students with disabilities require in order to receive Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) including assistive technology and related services. The critical roles school leaders play in the implementation of current best practices in parental engagement, inclusion, universal design for instruction, transition services, and the importance of providing a continuum of educational services for students with disabilities will be explored. The course is designed for aspiring school principals, directors of special education and other PreK-12 administrators. Field work is a required component. More Info
Offered in:ADM G 686 Internship I Ed Adm +
A laboratory course providing practical experience in educational administration on a part-time basis, with special focus on the role of the principal/assistant principal, the supervisor/director, or the administrator of special education. This course combines field experience in an appropriate setting with a seminar focused on relevant issues and concerns. It is designed for part-time students who are able to devoted ten hours per week over a 15-week span to administrative or supervisor duties and responsibilities. More Info
Offered in:ADM G 687 Practicum II in Educational Administration +
A continuation of ADM G 686, which must be taken within two years of completing ADM G 686. More Info
Offered in:ADM G 691 Advanced Seminar in Administration +
Through group discussions, this course explores the major features of important issues facing school systems today and the implications of these issues for individuals in school leadership roles. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ADM G 696 Research Project +
In close consultation with a staff member, students undertake a research project treating an actual problem or concern in an educational institution. More Info
Offered in:ADM G 697 Special Topics in Educational Administration +
An advanced course offering intensive study of selected topics in educational administration. Course content varies according to the topic and will be announced prior to the advance pre-registration period. More Info
Offered in:- TBA